I'm an editor and writer in North Carolina's Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area with experience in many industries, including lifestyle, wellness, automotive and home improvement. My 12-year tenure spans SEO-optimized affiliate content, editorial features, blog posts, digital PR articles and e-commerce copy. Recent published work includes USA Today Homefront, Marketwatch Guides and This Old House.

Previously, I wrote clear, concise product copy for kids' furniture and physical education supplies. My writing appears on Gopher Sport, Gopher Performance, Moving Minds and STEM Supplies.

My body of work also extends to the editorial landscape, where I wrote feature stories and covered food, fashion, alternative medicine, health and fitness. I have bylines in Natural Solutions, Eating Naturally, Alternative Medicine, MN Business, Ultimate Motorcycling and Return of the Cafe Racers.

When I'm not working hard for my clients, I'm freelancing for motorcycling publications or editing GB Studio Central magazine, a niche print publication about developing modern video games for the Nintendo Game Boy.